Troubleshooting - There is white noise heard with the TWS earbuds

Models EAH-AZ70, RZ-S300, RZ-S500

Use this step by step troubleshooting guide to determine why you are receiving white noise.

Have you updated the firmware of the earbuds?

Have you updated the firmware of the earbuds?

  • No , Please update the earbuds with the latest firmware update. Refer to Update Firmware Process.
  • Yes , Firmware is updated.

  • Turn off the noise cancelling. Is the noise still heard?

    • No , The problem is resolved, the earbuds required a firmware update. Note: Some amount of white noise is heard if the noise cancelling function is turned on. Turn off noise cancelling if you use the earbuds in a quiet space.
    • Yes , If the firmware has been updated and the issue persists, there is a possible defect, Contact an Authorized Panasonic Service center.

    If the firmware has been updated and the issue persists, there is a possible defect, Contact an Authorized Panasonic Service center.